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Organizational Guidelines


  • Anyone interested in woodworking may join by paying annual dues.

  • All members have equal rights.



  • A member that is current on payment of dues may cast a vote in person.

  • New members may vote at a subsequent meeting following payment of dues

  • All business matters that involve an expenditure of WCET funds or a change in “Organizational Guidelines” will be decided by a majority vote of a quorum of a minimum of 50% of the membership.

  • Matters that do not involve an expenditure may be decided by a majority vote of members present at a regular scheduled meeting



  • Shall be held at SFA Forestry Laboratory Building, 2212 Raguet, Nacogdoches, Texas. Meetings may be held elsewhere if the need arises.  

    • There shall be an annual meeting at which officers are elected and committees are assigned.

    • Monthly meetings, except January and July, are to be held on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at a designated location

    • Notice of meetings will be sent to the membership by the Secretary a minimum of seven days prior to the meeting. An agenda of matters to be considered will be included.

    • Committee meetings will be called by the Chairperson of the committee.

    • Executive Committee meetings will be called by the President or the Vice President in the President’s absence.



  • President: Chief Executive Officer of the organization and will supervise all activities and will preside over all member meetings and Executive Committee meetings

  • Vice President: Act as President in his/her absence and will perform other duties as needed. The Vice President will Chair the Program Committee

  • Secretary: Records the minutes of member meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Minutes will be provided to membership by email or posting to WCET Website. Notice of meetings with a stated agenda of any business that is to be considered will be given to the membership as stated in 3.c above. Contact information of members will be kept and provided to the membership.

  • Treasurer: Keeps all financial records, collect dues, make deposits and disbursements as needed. Disbursements must be approved by Executive Committee. An annual financial report will be given at the annual meeting.

  • Historian: Provides historical context as needed




  • Listed below are Standing Committees which may or may not be active depending on the membership’s desires:

    • Executive: Consists of officers and immediate Past President. Meetings are called by the President or the Vice President in President’s absence to decide business matters that require immediate action, make recommendations for future officers and committee chairs.

    • Program/Workshop: Responsible for programs for February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November. Workshops for January and July

    • Service/Marketing: Community projects and tradeshows; Explore venues for selling member’s wares

    • Social: Meeting refreshments, Christmas Brunch, Christmas Gift Exchange

    • Membership: A WCET goal has been to increase membership

    • Innovation/Publicity: New ideas, Social Media, Website Resources; Seek ways for WCET to gain recognition

    • SFA Liaison: Will assist on matters where cooperation can be beneficial to both SFA and WCET

  • Other committees may be appointed by the President should the need arise.


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